Monday, March 26, 2012

True Friendship

I have never been a resident in jail/prison (thank goodness!) and I don't intend to be!  Recently, though, I saw a program about prisoners who had to go to the "hole"(solitary confinement) -- talk about nightmare material!  Anyway, these inmates are confined to their cells for 23 hours a day, with little or no communication with anyone.  This punishment, the lack of personal interaction, has a dramatic effect on the mental capacities of most inmates.  What conclusion can we draw?  Man was created for being with others.  To be more specific, every person needs healthy friendships!

I found an excellent blog post from SOUL CAFFEINE, entitled True Friendship.  The author shared a few key traits that every healthy friendship should include.

1.  Friends Forgive.  Proverbs 17:9
2.  Friends Love Unconditionally.  Proverbs17:17
3.  Friends Have Your Back!  Proverbs18:24
4.  Friends Tell You The Truth.  Proverbs 24:26
5.  Friends Make Each Other Better!  Proverbs 27:17
6.  Friends Communicate Openly.  John 14:15

"Friends are friends forever, When the Lord is Lord of them..."

Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish you lived out what you wrote.