Sunday, December 18, 2011

Where Has the Time Gone...

The best laid plans of mice and men... It was not my intention to not post for such a long period of time. But, life happens -- best I can come up with this morning! While certainly not boring, life at the ranch seems to have settled down some. It is always nice to "graduate" from a time of transition! As we approach the end of another year, most people look back and marvel at how quickly time has passed. (I know I do!) "How did this year pass faster than previous years?!" We then reflect on how we spent our time. What did we accomplish? Are we better off? Is our world? This leads to resolutions for the future. What can we do better? What changes need to be made? Now for the hard part -- putting "feet" to our resolutions! The question has proceeded from what to how. For many, this is where our "balloon" deflates. Our intentions are good, but we can't seem to get our behinds in motion! Anything worth accomplishing requires work on our part, a resolute determination to "get'er done" (Thanks, Mater!). Whether it is losing weight or living within a budget, we have to commit to doing whatever it takes to achieve each commitment. Mistakes and mess-ups are bound to happen but shouldn't defeat us! How does this relate to being a houseparent at a boys ranch? Everything! In the grand scale of things, our "time" with them is short! To make a difference in their lives, we have to first get our own lives in order. We have to be the example; share from our own experience; teach out of the "overflow"! What time is it? Its time to get busy! Carpe Diem!

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